

           MY DAD

Mum, You are the daughter of the
bur ing Sun.
Lightening is the fire
That forged the first germ life
In the primordial sea.

Then the Sunshine fed me
Nurtured me!

Mum, the first syllable you taught me
Had the prompt of a search,
It was like rhythemic rise and fall
of wings!

The Sun had hidden in my heart
A pull that reaches the Earth.
The rhythem of galaxies throb in my heart!

Mum, you gave me thought
You gave me wisdom
You gave me light
To search and find!

Dad, I realise you
As the Cosmic force
That wrought
And sustain this Universe!

Dad, You are time
You are love
You are God!

Let me know the secret
That you have hidden in my life,
Please clear the Puzzle of
Your make and break!

Let days come and go
Let ages fly ahead,
Then we all will know
Dad you are me
And I am You!




The SerpantDid he come down from EdenTo pollute the human minds?Did the Serpent try again to betray this race?His first victim EveHas evolved so powerful as himTo deciet and govern the world!Now he targets our childrenAnd his enchanting gift is the pleasure of drugs!This generation drowns in the sea of narcotics!When the human race danceswith the rhythm of his pipe;He turns so powerful as a mighty King!Even the fragments of rosesTurn toxic by his touch,He fills the bowl with lust, drugsAand wild dreams.