The Sea Boils
The sea boils
The Arabian sea will boil,
Cyclones will sprout,
Corals may decay
Sea will turn mad!
The great cities we made
Will get infected by germs
And pandemics can spread.
Don't chant that destructive
Mantra of development!
Rock mining
Trenching the earth
And raising smoke
Have destroyed the planet!
Conferences, seminars
Debates and summits
Have not born fruits!
Still the time is not out
To catch everything back!
Not constructions
Not running motors
Not burning more fuels;
The way to regain the lost balance
We can maintain the balance of nature!
To fight global warming,
To plant more trees
To make the rivers flow
To cut short constructions
To chnge style of life
To lead simple life
We can try
We will do
And turn our earth
Inhabitable again!
The First Rain
The First Rain---------------I hear the steps of the first showerAnd see the thirsty eyes of the earth!I see the the falling drops as bliss On the withering grass blade!The burnt ashes of dreamsHave become wetAnd hopes sprout outLike awakening seeds!The sobes of cracked dry earthAre tuned by the cicadasAnd let out thir melancholy flowAs the beats of thir scorched hearts !The daughters of cloudDo their KAVADI danceWith the rainbowcrossed over their shoulders!The garden lizardUnder the camouflage,Smiles at theBurning pyre of the day!The earth drenched with cool dropsShed the tears of glee;And a heavenly blissUrge me to share this feel!