

My best friend is an alien ch 6

My best friend is an alien ch 6

Fantasy Thriller Others

Chapter 6RunDaniel and his friends left to see Oscar, who was waiting in their usual spot they met. As Marley was keeping a look out, Oscar told that the ship had achieved rec the history of mother. Who was once as Queen of her world but betrayed by her own people and was banish. So she wanted revenge thought Daniel Oscar or so told them that she tried before to attack. But fail that when she found out that it was her son who was working with them. Just then, Marley jumped down from the trees and said that the girl from yesterday. Was slow walking in this direction without her dog. Oscar then Noah asked where little foot was, Daniel told him he was playing a little further on. Noah then asked if he could call him  back just in case something went wrong. Then, not long afterwards, Daniel tried to  little foot back that the girl appeared in the clearing. She asked what they were doing here before they could make something up her dog appeared with little foot in his mouth. The girl shoots up a flame as Daniel pushes her dog to drop little foot, which he did. Daniel picks up little foot who is bleeding from the wound. Marley and Noah were confused about what to do, and then Freddie, the man and Daniel\'s guardian. Appeared, they asked what happened  the girl them about the alien dog. Daniel shouted that the dog name was little foot and how dare they hurt their friend. Aria went over to me and put a hand on his shoulder, and told me to claim and tell why w