
The Monster Prince Part one


Chapter one 


Monster have lived on this planet before everything but the human come they kind were be haunted in slave. Some were feared so they were left alone and gave sacrifices this time it was a spider people. 
Their race were died because of being hunted and killed by heroes people, who have undergone a mana fused to gain magic over a elemental. The monster's come together to protect the last of spiders people and them there queen. Which gave her the to call them to her aid by learning their true names she was or so able to fuse with them. 
One day i the woods the queen was with her sister who was the size of a Chinchilla. They a old man carry something his hands "leave this land in peace demon," put the thing down and walking away with his people. They walk forward to have a look the queen pick up the thing took away the cloth to find a baby. 
"Sis is that why did they do that""because he weren't last he is blind poor thing you have born into a world,""sis what well you do""become it's mother of course but i must him here little one She gave the bady some of her blood "then i gave a name let's see Neon and your true name well be Crimson". They went home which was over a mountain people could not cross and i the middle was a forest. 
 Chapter two 
The prince of monsters 
Me and sis introduced Neon at first the monsters against it but as soon as my sis. Hand him around the monsters they instead fall in love with him. He could see thanks to the my sis blood it helped him by showing him the colours of their magic elements. So he could see the shape of them that was it. 
My mother loves him too she told him about the history of this world. As for the rest of the monsters told him their true name to protect him and teacher him about magic spell. Because when he fuse with them he could use that element of magic like Arabic which was brown meaning earth elements. Salali is a light green which means wind elements and Dhaigham which is red meaning fire magic elements. They were the Guardians of thier element monsters they didn't want to at first give, him their names but their queen gave them little choice. As for me i told him about herbology to help medicine and poisonous ones too. Even though he couldn't see i show him by touch and taste. 
He was now four years old and for a four year old he knew more then others. He was or so taught how to fight but only with a wooden sword that his mother made. One day while he collected herbs, and telling aunt who was on his shoulder every name of the pants he pick up. They turned a corner to find a awful smell it was something black it had no colour aunt walked towards it. 
"Looked like it was recent and -" "their traces of a spell""yes we had better get your mother" he nodded. He walked to the cleaning where a purple coloured spiders was they told her what they found. She went see the corpse "warp spell from very far away luckily they were missing things, if they didn't he be alive and we be dead" "what do you mean sis". "Well their is away to track elements magic so if it die you will know""which means they will try again".
Chapter three 
The Heros wife 
Meanwhile in Country name orb were having about the port shell and hiw it went.For the first time ever we had a full body on the wood where the monster queen lived.However the criminal was dead and burned to death, we need to finger out what to the space spell ueser were confident that they were close.The king agree to leave it at that the hero name lin looked at his wife who waswaitinggor him and was very angry. 
"Why do you have to kill her she hadn't done anything either","honey please understand that with this people well feel a lot more better at night". She shook her head and ask if it had a family or could think and feel like us could you kill it then. He did know how to answer her she walked away from him.She wanted to do something anything to see if she was right and help the queen of monsters in any way she could. 
She made her to the forest of fairies they had the ability, to to travel long distance and speak distance as well.She walked in the fairies like to play tricks and lair, on humans so that is probably the reason why we can't use prot warp spell.She made her way to a fairy who was playing a game of chess he didn't look but he said he was surprised to her.She ask for his help to talk the queen of monsters to help her. The point at a waterfall behind him she walked over to it to see the queen she looked back at the fairy. Who put up a hand to show she had five minutes. 
"Hello queen i am the wife of the hero who is to kill you and i have come here to help" she said in the waterfall.The queen spoke to her to find the blind child parents who well love him as much as she love him.At first she didn't understand but just then a boy came in to view it was the boy who sacrifice. So the rumour was true but not right she smile"yes i looked and find out if his are good parents or I'll new parents instead".She turned to the fairy who had already got a wrap"it will take you to the town they live just outside the town oh and here you're need this to get back"the fairy handed her a piece of paper that was folded up.She nodded put it in her pocket and walked thought the wrap. 
She find herself behind a tree just outside the town she walked inside, the town to find clues who are the parents of the blind child. It wasn't that hard to find if anything it was to easy for people to tell her. She made her way to their house knock the door, the door opened to a little girl."Hello little one could you go and get your mother and father for me".Before she could her mother pick her"how many times do I have to tell you not to answer the door"said her mother.The father come after her wondering what was going on she took, a deep breath and told them what she knew about their first born child. 
At first they didn't believe her but then after they thought about it what reason well she's had to lair. Just then behind her was the mother father the mother walked up to him and slapped him."How could you liar you said he was already dead i believe it's was my fault all this time", the mother picked her child walked back inside the house. Then the father of the blind child walked up to the mother father "you know I wasn't going to take him, up on my friends offer but now i will" he walked back in the house to help his pack."I thought it was for the best what chance did that child have in this world".
 Then the family come out of the house with their luggage and told the hero wife that they well going to white tree town."I'll make sure someone will help guild him home at the front gate or i be there instead if i can"said the father.
She nodded and told them that she well tell him care take, she walked outside of town. Open the folded up piece of paper which showed a warp spell she walked through. The fairy was playing his chess game  again he didn't look up. She walked pass him saw the queen inside the waterfall she told her everything. The queen thanks her and said she have the warped to the town ready in a two month. She walk back home to find her husband in front of the house asking her where she been. She ignored him and walked in the house.
Chapter four 
Mother was working on a port warped to take me some where safe. For two months on fifth birthday mother want to talk to me and aunt alone. "First sister you can't go with him like that", she gave her a piece of a gold orbs that changed aunt shape. she was now a cat i could see her outline then i feel mother give me a hug."Now here my present before you go"she put in my hand a golden egg shaped in my hands"i thought you were coming with me". She pick me up and put in the warped crying and struggling "am sorry but this is only way goodbye my son". 
"Mum" i screamed not relieved i wasn't going anywhere. i looked around still crying but i did a little calm down."Are you ok" said a voice i nodded "good i want to talk to you even since you save us". I didn't understand what I had done or what was going on but listening to her help me. She told me that when three years ago save ten lost souls she told she was one of them that live with me. She told that the ten souls inside me were aliens and they were in a war. "Some of are kind wanted to royal this world but some of us had no interest in that. So we help the human to defend themselves against them". 
"But why didn't you stop them" but i didn't need the answer they try to stop them. But they didn't succeed "yes we were taken by surprise afterwards the last of are side diced to awake a barrier, with in the world so everyone can use magic. I fear one day you might be involved in are fight am sorry my child"."What sorry about i decided to help you guys and make you part of my family. So i got to take responsibility","but hopefully not until your grow up now you go and see your family right""yes grandma". I got to my feet and walked of warp to where a red pinkish shaped cat which was auntie. 
We walked to where i could see loss of shapes and colours. There was a white shape man in front of the town. "Yes young man" asked the men "am here to meet my family my mother told me they be here". The white colour man ask if i could see him, "no but i can see your elements magic which is white which means healer or space magic".
 "Interesting here" he help in to a carriage "this will take you to their home ok". I nodded "aunt do think they well like me""who know we just have to wait and see". Meanwhile back with queen of monsters the hero had come."So you come just like she warned am glad that my son and sister don't see this".He couldn't believe that his wife was right she had a family. He couldn't kill her "kill me hero if you don't someone worst then you well". As much he wish she was wrong she was right if he didn't kill her and say she was alone. Someone else well kill her and try to find her family and kill them too. He ran at her with his sword in front of him going went for her heart. She didn't stopped him she let it happen, she let him kill her hoping this well keep her family safe. 
Chapter five 
The diver stop after five minutes in the carriage "we here do want me to help you to the door". "Yes" the diver was a blue colour he opened the door help me down to the house. He knocked on the door for me and left i thank him before he left.
The door opened a little flickering light of blue answered "yes""honey how many times don't answer the door", a white woman came to to her up i didn't know if she was looking at me. 
But I said "hello mother" all same i felt a her on my cheek, then I felt two hands a round my middle picked me up. Then i got turned around a earth user was huge "finally i get to you son am so happy" it was my dad. My sister hug dad too all three of us were crying mum come up from behind and picked me up. 
"I think we have a lot to talk about" she help me to a sofa so i could sit. I thought about how much I should tell them i looked at auntie who was in sister arms because her flame was the smallest "brother what her name""Noir she my familiar". Auntie meow as if to say she didn't approve of this arrangement i told parent half the story. I told them that a witch raised me in the woods of monsters teaching me the names of monsters. Or so tell them about how could see i made it up that she gave me a potion to help me. After they took me shopping to get me everything for my life with them. 
I didn't like being a doll my mum and sister luckily father noticed because he picked me up. "I think i take him home you girls can get the other thing with out us boys". I think they agree because the things i knew dad put in a carriage, and the girls asked if he could take the clothes home because i could feel bag all around me. 
But instead of going home my dad took me to his boss, as it turns out my father was a bodyguard and a Negotiator. For a noble beast man before we left mum and sister. I call up a owl of darkness for my mother and a earth and wind dragon like lizard. Tell them they will protect them my sister love hers after i told them thier true name so they could call them when their in trouble. 
Chapter six 
The loin man 
My father was telling about how they met as it turns out my father was once a general. And save his life since then they're being the best of friends. As we out the carriage my father paid the man gave someone his keys and asked them to put the bags in are home. My father had my hand helping me to the manor i saw different colours elements people inside. Then a red shape man with a tail gave my father a hug behind him was a red flickering light i think this was his child. "Ah you brought your son why don't are boy play while we talk","is it ok for them to be in the same room""of course it's make good training". 
So me and the loin boy name Kenya was tell me about his training to become like his father. Which he since to enjoyed then he asked me about my journey on getting here. As i explained to him i over heard my father to his father about how dangerous it was getting. "Even though we in a treaty which means the wizards and witches can't land a hand on us.
 It's still slow start to place yes we have made things easier but their is still trouble like we have with her"."Yes their been attack and kidnappeds but the problem, is that you are allowed to slaves even though their are circumstances that benefit them". I got to my feet  walked to them as Kenya was playing with a flower toad i called. I asked what there benefits were their was a since of a minute i understand why i was five after all. But Kenya father laughed and was glad i want to join in. 
"Well when you free a slave you have to pay how long you had in your service, like let's say i have a gladiator and i free him after ten years". "Five gold pieces for a house""correct son but if a slave job was of a maid then it would be five silver pieces"."Enough to buy five night a  inn""correct again son the other rules is that you can only have a number of slave dependent on your ranking".
"Like us we can have fifty slaves and the king can have as many as he wants"" correct son but if you go over the number you have paid the king of how long you wanted them. The last rules is that they must be healthy when you buy them other wise they weren't last long. But the problem is the slave mark if you have, it doesn't matter what rankings you are your slave once that on you". 
My father and me said goodbye "before we go i want to gave you kiba,lance and sage" three fire wolves appeared. Kenya father understand what i wanted from him my father made a pack with lance, as for sage made a pack with Kenya and his father did his with kida. Kida howl the rest of his clan come "they will protect you". 
Chapter seven 
The slave trade master 
A year past with not much happened I train with Kenya and dad in the way of the sword. While i help my sister and Kenya wake into their elements. One day we were training with are wooden swords then i heard a scream like a bat in the air. It was rain the lizard dragon i gave my sister mum come up to me with the owl on her shoulder. 
"Honey what wrong what happened" "they took her the slave trade your dragon gave them a fight". I called for the guardian of wind that can sense where their kind is. The giant flying squirrel us on to get her"Kenya tell your father we go on ahead" i call for a wind elements creature so they could find us. 
Meanwhile my sister was in the slave carriage with other. 
She called her friend but he couldn't "their no point magic doesn't work in here" she turned to a girl. She looked like a noble "then i just have to wait for my to find me""is he strong""no but his familiars are""lets hope". After a little while the carriage stops"we rest here bring them out so i could see their value". 
We were pulled out one by one when they came back in they had something around their in different colours. Then i was pull out i kept trying to call out for my familiar then she came face to face with a woman who was in a kimono. She reach out a hand to her "my lady" said the man that had a hold on her she opened her eyes to her lizards dragon in her hand "rain please don't hurt him""inserting who are you little girl".
Chapter nine 
Different races 
(Violet Neon sister)
As the boss of the slave trade let go of rain, i took it without answering her question. She slime and order her men to put me and the bird girl in her tent. I wasn't too sure what she meant until, i saw the girl next to me in carriage come out. She  wrote a noble dress that was rit in some places but the one thing that stood out.
 Was the wings that was as long as a eagles wing. She was a hawk girl "what about them being mark"said one of her men. She got up to go to her tent"their more vaults with out them". Her men looked confused and so were we but they pushed us in all the same.
 They were just about to put a collar that makes my dragon powerless. But before they could i did a spell that my brother tort me. It was a spell that i can teleport my dragon somewhere else. The dragon vanished and repeated right in front of  the monster of the wood. Rain told him what was going on afterward the monster come out from the shade of the trees. Until now rain didn't know how the monster looked. She had the body of the deer and the head of a fox, "very well i get my master and his clan to help". Then the deerfox ran off, to it's clan while rain flew up out of the wood to call for Neon. 
Back at the tent of the slave trade we in the boss, tent she was getting undressed.As i looked around i saw a boy with fire hair and grey skin it was a volcanic boy. They live in volcanoes they never come out expected, when the place trilby is done every five years. This was the first time she had seen these races before, she could of been excited if it weren't for the position she was in. She hoped her brother will get here soon. 
Chapter ten
We flew on until Salali could hear rain just above a wood. As we flew down at the edge of the wood a bunch of earth elements creature. "Centaurs"said my father who gave a bow i quickly followed him just in case. "It's alright am here to ask you to help with are trespasses, in are land"said i think was the leader. 
We agreed to help once we learn the situation of the slave trade. We walked slowly toward the camp site i could see only three elements user. Two were grand the carriage while the other one was in the tent. With three other elements user were "i think little sis is in tent, with the boss"said aunt who was on my shoulder. 
"So what's the plan here"ask my father to the leader of the centaurs. "We take the carriage while you three take the tent" at first we didn't know who he was about. Until a large hand i looked up to see my father boss, we nodded at each other. As we went around to the other side of the camp to the boss tent. Then my father showed the signal to start with disguised as they charge the carriage. We sneaked in the tent as soon as the boss left the tent. 
As we went inside i saw earth elements creature who i think was her pack creature. I called out to a fire toad crap  which set the plant monster, a blaze which gave us enough time to get the kids out. Then a flame arrow gave us the signal that all the slave were at a safe distance. It was made from the fire element so i could see it, i then called out for Dhaigham who put inside of me. I shoot tent with fire soldiers who attack, the man surrounded but slave trade boss had disappeared. 
My little sister gave a huge telling me how scared she was. After she calm down she introduced the kids behind her. The light green girl name was Aella who was a hawk girl i over heard Kenya father. Saying how hard it's going to be to get her home next to her was Ayen who was a fire boy. Who well be hard to get home too when we got back. Itoro Kenya father was write a letter to the location of the kids homes.
Chapter eleven 
While we were waiting around for the letter that teleport to the location. We were saying goodbye to the other slave that save.It was easy to change the slave mark to free afterwards the girls pulled me around town. By the time we got back to Kenya garden i was exhausted. I seated on the stairs to the manor as my father came and sat down next to me. I asked how long the kids are going to be here my father told me. 
That the letters got back saying they were glad they were save, but they weren't be allowed to get them. For at least two years i ask why my father told me that because of the place trilby. The races could only cross between countries every two years until they agree to something. 
The girls came over and put something on my head i asked what they put on my head. "A flower clown""oh thanks girls so where will they be staying""well with us the girls in one room and Ayen in with you is that ok". I nodded and went to sword practice with Kenya. So we now had two new friends i was glad that my sister had someone talk to. They were watching me i could ear them, talk wonder how long the flower clown was going to stay on my head. I smiled diced i was going to show off i dodged a attack from Kenya. Who annoyed attack again which him open for attack. Which i took i gave bow "sorry mate" Kenya got to his feet. And try again we play well into the afternoon until mum call us in for lunch. 
Ayen didn't need eat but he liked to watch us and talk about his home to me. It was interesting to learn about the different way they lived. Like how they farm fire fruit and harvest meat from fire worms. Aella was telling me about how they do magic spell, it was really fun ear her getting annoyed with me. Beat her at answered questions about elements and spell combination. Then we went to bed as me and Ayen spoke about going to the harbour tomorrow. "So this is what it's like to have friends",I told aunt who gave me a lik on the cheek to mean she was happy for me. 
Chapter twelve 
The port town problem
We were going south to the port town where children had gone missing and traveller had been saviour. At first mum didn't want us to go but after everyone promised to stick to me she us come. So me and Ayen were walking on the path as long i followed the red glow, coming from  Ayen be fine. That what i had to tell mum so she  didn't hold my hand as for Aella she was flying to keep eye up a head.
 My sister was holding my hand telling all the different flowers and herbs and their uses to tell how will she was doing with her study. Dad was ahead of us to keep a eye out for monster, which he didn't need to monsters knew better to go against their masters. We got there with in a hour we cross a bridge into the port town i looked over the bridge to see a big blue glow. Auntie said in my head that it was a underwater troll my father went to me tell me. 
"The town people have been told by a old friend of the old king that the children have been stolen by the troll". Ayen was next to my sister who said "but a underwater troll doesn't have a den it can breath underwater". "I know that why we have to find the children and put the people on the right path". We walked into town Ayen was tell me people were acting weird we headed to the harbour. A Brownish black glow comes up to me"my boy your blind am surprised you made it this age","leave my son alone i will let my son be part of your plans","here do the right thing". 
After he walked away i asked my father what he was giving "a necklace of saviour the old king, gave these to people who in his eyes couldn't help his country"."Father i saw a monster name above him it was broker"."That's a giant bat they probably have a den near by"said allen who flew up to see if their was a cave. "I see a cave just south of here"she flew back down, "father take your giant  dog pack and the kids we will handle the following"."Son what are planning"am going to play with his own game but i need that necklace".
 My mother was against my plan to use me, as bait to make everyone come to  the bridge where the troll is."Sister when the troll pull me out i want you, to put this around the head of the followers instead"."Yes brother"but honey"mother the troll weren't kill him just pull him down the shrim. Let the people think what they want if we take the leader it weren't happen again". It sounded like my mother agree with me because she didn't ask me about the plan again she just kept. A thumb grip on my shoulders as we had found the follower again, who was gathering the people to the bridge where the troll was. 
I told my mother she had to let go, for a little while i could feel she didn't want to but she did after telling to come back. The followers had a hand on my back he was saying a made up spell, to make sound believable to the followers.
 Then i was pushed into the sea i see the blue glow troll, grabbed me by the middle then it gave it's true name. Arnav which means the troll was female, i ordered to pull out and put me back on the bridge. I felt the wind as i finally came out of the sea as I was put down on the bridge. The troll let go of me and went for the follower instead, my sister did her job with the necklace because I could ear the people talking. Then as the blue glow from Arnav went down stream, with the dark brown glow followers shouted "looked the children". I could  see far away a lot of glow which means my had did it. 
Chapter thirteen 
The old king 
My had send a message to his friend to get men to the follower while we went home. I was still wondering why Ayen and Allen had to stay with us for two years. I ask him while we walked back father stop he sat me on a tree root and began his history lesson. 
"Well the old king was not a care man he got rid of anyone who couldn't pull their weight by gave them to the monsters. One day the army was sent to make the beast people surrender because the king, heard that the larva people and eagle people were joining forces. But unlike the king who was a crowd who stay his castle, their king fort along side them the prince and princess were impressive. We told the king about the rumour instead of looking worried, he laughed and told us their was no such thing. Because their were each other weakness so the king made a war for no reason.
 So we went home we found the king having fun, force the prisoners fight each other in arena. The prince and princess were out rage so a coo happen, the prince summon his giant boar to show he wanted a fight for the crown. But that fight never happened because the king summon his monster to run away. After three days clear out his followers we found in the church a horror scene the queen and priest dead.
 I guess with some luck the prince young brother were ok but after what happened, it was best if they forgot which is what they did. That why we still haven't found the old king and if he gets his hands on the prince and princess of the lands he wanted to start a war with long go. The people will follow him the prince and princess are trying to fix this country".
 So that why they had to stay this country was broken.When we got home, Father told us he sent for a old friend to teach us magic spells. So i be ready if I want to go and help the prince and princess, fix this country to protect my friends and family i agree with him. 
Chapter Fourteen 
Teacher and the Hero 
A week went by after the letter was sent to ask, for my father friend to teach us magic.When he got here he come on the the back of a giant blue elements elephants. Ayen and Aella were telling me, what a elephants because all I could see was the shape. "How is it flying is it him or the monster","no it's the monster it's a 
shapeshift.  It change to monster and animal's and it can fly I didn't know that". A light of light blue and a red come off, the shapeshift who change into something a smaller.
"Nice to meet you my name is Akash and this is Ramji the hero son. I be teaching him too so let's get to know everyone". We introduce are self "interesting a prince of flame, a princess of wind and  a bit of eath. And my old teammates son who said his master of all elements"."I don't blame you but I am my master teach me, to summon and fuse myself with monster which makes me master of the elements". "Interesting I would see that so now let's get started","wait I would my son to join in to""Kenya of course I don't mind train him". 
So training begins we learn about weakness of elements on are first day. Ramji stayed with us instead of staying with at the manor, my aunt was the only one who didn't like this."What if attack or-","aunit please just be cool with it he might catch if your high alert". She gave in and agreed but that still didn't stop her lying down the egg under my pillow. I sign i help into my pyjamas and I felt my way to my bed and went to sleep. 
But that wasn't long  before aunit wake, me up telling me that Ramji had gone. I knew I had to go and investigate I kick Ayen wake who got up, and help me down to the back garden we had."His sword training" I thought so "oh sorry if I wake you" I shook my head."I would like why you're training on your own you of just asked". "Wait you can sword fight too" Ayen handed me my sword. 
We duel cash are blades then we jump away from each other.
Then Ramji came in to attack, I defended with my blade and pushed him back. Then he use a elements art to make his sword disappear. "Interesting"said all of us then he went for another attack but saw it coming, because I can see elements his sword was behind him. I use a art that my mother taught me call puppeteers, where I caught his sword and him in my web. My auntie was telling me off in my head of use one of my mother arts. I ignored her as I let Ramji down and his sword. "Wow that was incredible so I guess where we tell each are stories". 
"Wait not with out us your not"we turned to see Aella and my sister. "Well I guess I started well my parents were both a sacrifice. To the beast people fifty thousand soldiers who were believed in the old king. Even though my parents were gave a pass they went with the soldiers. I don't know what happened to them but like to believe there ok". "Well where I once lived was with my master and a sleep monster spiders. She taught me everything in my head but she never wake my master watch, over when your father comes along I was taken here". I thought this was a better answer then the truth and it went ok with them. 
Chapter Fifteen 
Ancient monsters
It had been two weeks since we started magic training. I learned how to put elements in to my blade, and how some attack may not have any effect. We did most of are training out at the road in a cleaning, sometimes father or my sister come to watch. "A trip""yes to a ruined l've been before but I have not been far in". So we rest up for the trip to the ruin that morning. I was surrounded by everyone who were interested, of the creature that was resting on my chest.
"Oh good morning your egg hatch and it's cute big brother". I slow got up to see a earth and wind elements monster before I could ask what it looks like. But just then it jumped, on me and scratch me on one of my fingers. Then  it felt it was lick it then I felt a sharp pain on my rist. "Looked like he imprint you just like my familiar did to me"."A cat with blue tip feathers""Wait you can see"said all of them. I shook my head,"no I can just see the monster so what name to give you ".
 "Zoltar""you know I like that name and I think he does too nice one sis". I wasn't lie he really did, like the name because I could feel him happiness in my head."Right should we get going "can I come too"Nope""but mum". "Sis if I take your familiar you can watch then get he has that ability".Really ok"so we were off we were walking north west out of town this time. 
Me,Aella,Ramji,Ayen,Kenya and, teacher we were all talking about what we will find the ruin. Teach want us to stay on grand I ask why I can see Zoltar."His a ancient monster one we thought was extinct, but I guess one was still alive". Rain was on my head but right now he was asleep after all. There was no need for him to show my sister how to get to the ruin. When we got everyone was crowded around one area.
"What are you looking at""A loin edge it's huge and it's got four wings"Aella told me.
"It's what Zoltar will become, his elements will change too"teach told me."Is this place of worship"I ask"I think so I've never been far to tell you". We walk in the ruin Aella went behind me"what wrong" I ask."The statues cat it's looked like their alive","That because they are but don't worry has long as we don't hurt.Or take anything that doesn't belong to us they won't attack"."Oh still dose make feel any better",as we continue to walk the others were tell me about the walls, were show more ancient monster."It looks like a war between them we not there almost we weren't there".